Saturday, March 16, 2013

Milford Sound, New Zealand: Finding Wonder in Today

The other day my sister Ashley wrote to me and said that she hoped I would find wonder in today.  Well, I'll have you know that on the 16th of March wonder was aplenty.  Although March 16th was technically a "sea day", it was far and away the best sea day yet.  And what was so great about this particular sea day you might ask?  Well, the day was so phenomenal because we were sailing through Milford Sound on the southern end of New Zealand's south island.  To put it simply, Milford sound BLEW MY MIND!  It was as if the sound was trying to redefine my perception of beauty.  It was jaw dropping, breathtaking, and flat out amazing.  I am including a few pictures, but please keep in mind that my camera didn't stand a chance at truly capturing the wonder of Milford Sound.   


  1. I just got caught up on your blog and LOVE living vicariously through your adventures! NZ is definitely going on my "must see" list, too... :-)

    Glad to hear you're doing well and taking this all in!


  2. I print out your blog updates for Grandma and Pop Pop to see but they were just over and I showed them this one on my laptop. Grandma has a great time scrolling through all of the entries and looking at the pictures. Each time is like her first time and she sits and marvels at the pictures. Her last comment was "He's not homesick now - he's just taking it all in!" For some reason, she was convinced that you were homesick when we skyped at Christmas time and she has been worried about you. Your amazing pictures from Down Under have helped her realize you are doing just fine! Thanks for the updates. Love you and miss you lots Zach!
